Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Death of Common Sense?

When reading my updates this morning, saw that the Ways and Means Committee had a Hearing on Tax-Exempt Charitable Organizations.  

When perusing this exciting testimony I cam across the following statement by the President of the Council of Foundations, in testimony to Congress:

"Let me be clear, the Council on Foundations is steadfastly opposed to the use of charitable vehicles for the support of terrorist activities at any time in any place."

Have things gone so far that we have to state the painfully obvious?  What exactly caused the the CEO of the Council on Foundations to have to make such a statement?

You guessed it, in response to bureaucratic guidelines.  In particular something that those in the know call U.S. D T A -T F G V B P U.S.-B C. . . seriously, Google it and laugh.  

One of the better quotes from these guidelines is,

"List-checking alone (as described throughout this section) does not guarantee the safe and secure delivery of charitable funds and services in high-risk areas. For this reason, the Guidelines encourage charities to employ all reasonably available resources both when determining the level of risk in a particular charitable operation and when engaging in appropriate vetting procedures. One example of publicly available information of which charities should be aware is the Terrorist Exclusion List"

Uhhh, the govt. says list checking isn't good enough so to increase effectiveness check another list?  With authors like this, is it any wonder no one really understands the rules?